Friday, 6 September 2013

THe Boys Holiday to Snowdonia (Part 1) To be continued....

·       The Boys holiday Snowdon (part 1, more to follow....)

Me and Laurance  picked Simon up from Kidlington, + drove to SNOWDON. Stopped off for lunch at a M&S service stration. The holiday begins!!

Continued driving listening to Harry Potter and the philosophers stone. Got to Tourist Information @ Llanberis for an EPIC!! game of Papper, Rock, Scissors!!

Had a chat with the LOVELY ladys @ The Cafe + they tried teaching us a bit of Welsh? BOYO!

This is Simon and Me (CRAZY TOAD) trying to melt a bit of ice to fit in my bottle?

Bought the tickets for the train up Snowdon,  and rather embarrassed the young lady behind the counter!! OOPS!

Then we went for our train journey up Snowdon mountain. 

LOVELY journey all the way up couldn't see much because of the FOG!!

Here's us up the top in a cloud!

To Be Continued....

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